
Because the Christian life is lived together, we believe God’s grace is experienced in community. Scripture calls Christians to a robust life of mutual encouragement, fellowship, and love. Therefore we eat together, pray together, learn together, serve together, and care for one another.

Contact us or sign up for weekly e-mails if you're interested in learning more about activities in the life of our church.


Regular Gatherings

Weekly Worship Service | Sundays, 10:00 AM, 1801 Oak Avenue

Monthly Potlucks | First Sunday of every month, after the close of the weekly worship service.

Youth Groups | First and third Sundays, 1801 Oak Avenue. Junior High (Grades 6-8) and Senior High (Grades 9-12) both meet from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Faith Takes Practice | Sundays, 1801 Oak Avenue in the Social Hall. Faith Takes Practice is a time of adult education immediately following our Sunday worship service. Lunch and childcare are provided (pre-K to 5th grade). Resumes April 28.

Women's Soup Night | Second Tuesdays of the month, 6:30 PM, 1801 Oak Avenue in the Social Hall. Gather with women in our congregation for a meal and to prepare sack lunches to support Grace in Action in helping those in need in our community.

Matins (Morning Prayer) | Wednesdays, 7:30 AM, 1801 Oak Avenue in the Social Hall. Join us for a mid-week morning time of fellowship in prayer. All are welcome.

Adult Bible Study | Wednesdays, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM, locations may vary. The group will be studying the book of Luke this spring, focusing on Jesus' parables. Contact James Vroom ( or Pastor Aleah for more information. Resumes April 24!

Men's Night | Last Thursdays of the month, 7:00 PM. Locations vary.

This Week's Calendar
Wednesday, May 8 
Sunday, May 12 
Sunday, May 12 
Tuesday, May 14 
Wednesday, May 15 
Sunday, May 19 
Sunday, May 19 
Wednesday, May 22